
How We Can Help

Clinic Services

  • Are you being evicted?
  • Is your landlord ignoring your request for repairs?
  • Were you denied Ontario Works?
  • Have you been notified of an overpayment on your OW or ODSP?
  • Have you been found not to be a person with a disability? Or have you been denied benefits because you are found not to be a person with a disability?
  • Need help applying for Canada Pension Plan Benefits?
  • Tax season have you frazzled?

Our main areas of practice are:

Income Tax Services

Our Executive Director also volunteers with the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program with Canada Revenu Agency during tax season to file income tax returns for low-income families, ensuring that they will get any provincial or federal credits or benefits they are entitled to.

Don’t worry if your problem doesn’t really fall into any of these categories! The examples we’ve listed are only the most common of our cases. You can still contact us and we’ll help you find the right help! If we think you need more than a little information, we’ll schedule you an appointment or refer you accordingly.

Specialty legal clinics have been established across Ontario to represent low-income individuals with legal issues arising from elder abuse, HIV/AIDS, environmental law and more. Most specialty clinics are not limited to serving a particular region. For more information on specialty Legal Clinics or to get referred to one of them, call us toll free at 1-866-382-0300.

The Timmins-Temiskaming Community Legal Clinic can’t represent clients in areas such as family law, child protection or criminal law. For help with these types of matters you will be advised to call Legal Aid Ontario at 1 (866) 668-8258 to apply for a Legal Aid Certificate. If you qualify financially, you can then choose from their panel of experienced lawyers to represent you.


We do not advise or represent people in all areas of law. If we cannot assist you, we will refer you to someone who can.